One of the most awaited bachelors of India is not a bachelor anymore, and it is none other than the Golden Boy Neeraj Chopra. Gold medal Champion Neeraj Chopra tied the knot with Himani Mor in a Private ceremony attended by Family members only. Fans are shocked to see the unspoken wedding of their Favourite Javelin thrower Neeraj Chopra’s sudden marriage. The wedding took place on January 16 2025 in Himachal Pradesh. The news came to light after Neeraj posted about his dreamy wedding on his Instagram. He shares his Caption as “Started a new chapter of life with my family. Grateful for every blessing that brought us to this moment together. Bound by Love, happily ever after.”
Who is Neeraj Chopra’s Wife?
Neeraj is very successful in his career without a doubt, but fans are curious about who is Neeraj Chopra’s wife and about her background. Do you wonder if Javeline Champion’s Wife is from a sports background or someone from the fashion industry or even has a name for herself?
Neeraj Chopra’s Wife, Himani Mor, is actually an accomplished Tennis player and sports manager. Himanshi Mor has a degree in Political Science and Physical Education. She did her higher education at Miranda University, established in Delhi. Afterward, she was admitted to Franklin Pierce University for a master’s degree in Sports Management, based in New Hampshire, United States. During her Master’s at Franklin University, she made impressive records showing her power and managed to get the following scores:
Singles Record (2021-22): 15-4
Doubles Record (2021-22): 16-6
Career Singles Record: 30-12
Career Doubles Record: 38-10
Himani Mor was born on June 26, 1999, and is currently 25 years old. She is 5’5″ Tall with black Hair colour. Himanshi mor net worth is 37 crore rupees. She is the Daughter of Chand Ram and has played many championships herself. Himani won a gold medal at the World Junior Tennis Championship 2016, which took place in Malaysia. There were no rumors around the gate about their wedding; thus, it was very nauseating news for the Fans. Fans want to know more about the girl who stole Neeraj Chopra’s heart. She works for Massachusetts as an assistant coach for the women’s tennis team.
Neeraj Chopra Dreamy Wedding
Neeraj Chopra shared photos of his wedding ceremony with his followers on Instagram on January 19, 2025. The wedding took place on January 16 with only the two families around. The wedding occurred in Himachal Pradesh, but Neeraj Chopra did not share the exact location. Neeraj was seen in a Baby Pink sherwani with a matching parade, while his soulmate Himani Mor was synchronized with Neeraj and wore a Pink Lahenga with intricate embroidery and silver and green jewelry. The couple is currently out of India for their honeymoon.
Neeraj Chopra’s wedding was not a sudden action for him. They had a two-year relationship, which began in the US. Neeraj wanted to keep Love + Arranged as he first sought his parent’s permission. The Athletics Federation of India (AFI) was also informed about the marriage, but keeping the player’s wish in mind to keep it Private, they helped him keep it a secret.
What Are Neeraj Chopra’s Further Plans
The 27-year-old athlete is all set to prepare for his future and will take off-season training in Potchefstroom, South Africa. His former coach has been retired, and he is currently under the training of Jan Železný. He is a three-time Olympic Gold Medalist. He also aims to recover from his adductor muscle issue by seeking a medical consultant. He has a Goal before his eyes to surpass his record of 90m throw.
Neeraj Chopra is a leading figure in the world of Javelin throw. He is committed to his goals and is advancing his Athletic Performance.